Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007

Das Pferd (Häkeln)

Ich habe ein pferd gehäkelt

Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2007

das Ferkel ( Häkeln )

das Ferkel look some big when i finished make it .
its look very cute even foot and hands too big.

James Blunt - 1973 (Video)

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2007

der Wollschal Young Mann

der Wollschal Young Mann ( Das Woll puppen )

der Anschlag

I maked it yesterday,

It was very difficult to make because it have some small foot and hands.

i have make very cute ears,because i have not make ears close

so it can move what way i want

=== der Anschlag Woll puppen hight 10cm =========

Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2007

das Kaninchen (make it from wool )

das Kaninchen (für das Handy)

I put the rabbit on my mobile computer to make picture and this rabbite was very samll.
its hight only 10 cm , so rabbite was very difficult to make any part ,
because hand and foot are very small , even rabbit very difficult to make but its my first one small stuff and it look some cute , i have make more picture to know how is rabbit look.

( rabbit the same size of my mobile phone )

das Krokodil (Das Woll puppen )

das Krokodil

Schnappi Das Kleine Krokodil

die Katze ( das woll puppen )

die Katze

Es ist süß sehen und die Katze für ein handy .
denn , Das ist klein

das Hähnchen ( Das Woll puppen )

das Hähnchen

der Anschlag ( Das Woll puppen )

der Anschlag

der Bär 2 ( Das Woll puppen )

der Bär 2

der Bär ( Das Woll puppen )

der Bär

its make from wool